VAV terminal unit Type TA-Silenzio

Easy controller, Compact controller

Easy controller, Compact controller


TROX UNIVERSAL controller,


Rectangular connections on both ends

Rectangular connections on both ends



For all upstream conditions

For all upstream conditions

Tested to VDI 6022

Conforms to VDI 6022



For extract air systems with demanding acoustic requirements and low airflow velocities

Rectangular VAV terminal units for the extract air control in buildings with variable air volume systems, demanding acoustic requirements and low airflow velocities

  • Highly effective integral attenuator
  • Optimised for airflow velocities of 0.7 – 7 m/s
  • High control accuracy, even in case of unfavourable upstream conditions
  • Compact construction with rectangular connections on both ends
  • Electronic control components for different applications (Easy, Compact, Universal, and LABCONTROL)
  • Closed blade air leakage to EN 1751, up to class 4
  • Casing leakage to EN 1751, class C

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Acoustic cladding for the reduction of case-radiated noise
  • Secondary silencer Type TS for the reduction of air-regenerated noise




General Information

  • Rectangular VAV terminal units for use in ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • For controlling, restricting or shutting off airflows in extract air systems with low velocities and demanding acoustic requirements
  • Integral attenuator
  • Closed-loop volume flow control using an external power supply
  • For variable or constant volume flow systems
  • Shut-off by means of switching (by others)
  • Can also be used for differential pressure control with suitable control components

Special features
  • Hygiene tested and certified
  • Direct connection to ductwork
  • Factory set-up or programming and aerodynamic function testing
  • Parameters can also later be set on the control component; additional adjustment device may be necessary

Nominal sizes
  • 125, 160, 200, 250, 315

  • TA-Silenzio: Extract air unit
  • TA-Silenzio-D: Extract air unit with acoustic cladding
  • Units with acoustic cladding and/or secondary silencer Type TS for very demanding acoustic requirements
  • Acoustic cladding cannot be retrofitted

Parts and characteristics
  • Ready-to-commission unit which consists of mechanical parts and control components
  • Averaging effective pressure sensor for volume flow rate measurement
  • Damper blade
  • Integral attenuator
  • Factory assembled control components complete with wiring and tubing
  • Aerodynamic functional testing on a special test rig prior to shipping of each unit
  • Set-up data is given on a label or volume flow rate scale affixed to the unit
  • High control accuracy even in case of unfavourable upstream conditions


  • Easy controller: compact unit with potentiometers
  • Compact controller: compact unit consisting of controller with potentiometers, effective pressure transducer and actuator
  • Universal controller: controller, effective pressure transducer and actuators for special applications
  • LABCONTROL: Control components for air management systems

Useful additions
  • Secondary silencer Type TS

Construction features
  • Rectangular casing
  • Replaceable seals
  • Flanges on both ends for the connection to ductwork
  • Position of the damper blade indicated externally at shaft extension
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation (lining)

Materials and surfaces
  • Casing made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Damper blade and effective pressure sensor made of aluminium
  • Lining is mineral wool
  • Plastic plain bearings

Variant with acoustic cladding (-D)

  • Acoustic cladding made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Lining is mineral wool
  • Rubber elements for the insulation of structure-borne noise

Mineral wool

  • To EN 13501, fire rating class A1, non-combustible
  • RAL quality mark RAL-GZ 388
  • Non-hazardous to health thanks to being highly biosoluble in accordance with the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances and Note Q of the European Directive (EC) No. 1272/2008
  • Faced with glass fibre fabric as a protection against erosion from airflow velocities of up to 20 m/s
  • Inert to fungal and bacterial growth

Standards and guidelines
Fulfils the hygiene requirements of
  • EN 16798, Part 3
  • VDI 6022, Sheet 1
  • DIN 1946, Part 4
Other standards and guidelines in accordance with the hygiene certificate

Casing leakage
  • EN 1751, Class C

Closed blade air leakage
  • EN 1751, Class 4
  • Meets the increased requirements of DIN 1946, Part 4, with regard to the acceptable closed blade air leakage

  • Maintenance-free as construction and materials are not subject to wear

Technické údaje

Function, Technical data, Specification text, Order code, Related Products

Schematic illustration of the TA-Silenzio TA-Silenzio_gc_01ai.png

① Effective pressure sensor

② Indicator light

③ Control components, e.g. an Easy controller

④ Damper blade with seal

The VAV terminal unit is fitted with an effective pressure sensor for measuring the volume flow rate.

The control components (attachments) include an effective pressure transducer that transforms the effective pressure into an electric signal, a controller, and an actuator; the control functions can be achieved with an Easy controller, with a Compact controller, or with individual components (Universal).

For most applications, the setpoint value comes from a room temperature controller.

The controller compares the actual value with the setpoint value and alters the control signal of the actuator if there is a difference between the two values.

An integral attenuator reduces the noise that is created by the restriction of the airflow.


Nominal sizes 125 – 315
Volume flow rate range 30 – 840 l/s or 108 – 3024 m³ /h
Volume flow rate control range (unit with dynamic differential pressure measurement) Approx. 10 to 100 % of the nominal volume flow rate
Minimum differential pressure5 – 65 Pa
Maximum differential pressure 1000 Pa
Operating temperature10 – 50 °C

Specification text

Rectangular VAV terminal units for variable and constant air volume systems, for demanding acoustic requirements, suitable for extract air, available in 5 nominal sizes. High control accuracy even in case of unfavourable upstream conditions. Ready-to-commission unit which consists of the mechanical parts and the electronic control components. Each unit contains an averaging effective pressure sensor for volume flow rate measurement, a damper blade, and an integral sound attenuator. Factory-assembled control components complete with wiring and tubing. Effective pressure sensor with 3 mm measuring holes, hence resistant to contamination. Both ends suitable for the connection of ducts. Casing with acoustic and thermal insulation. Position of the damper blade indicated externally at shaft extension. The damper blade is factory set to open position, which allows a ventilation airflow even without control; this does not apply to variants with defined safe position NC (normally closed). Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022, DIN 1946, Part 4, as well as EN 13779 and VDI 3803.

Special features
  • Hygiene tested and certified
  • Direct connection to ductwork
  • Factory set-up or programming and aerodynamic function testing
  • Parameters can also later be set on the control component; additional adjustment device may be necessary

Materials and surfaces
  • Casing made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Damper blade and effective pressure sensor made of aluminium
  • Lining is mineral wool
  • Plastic plain bearings

Mineral wool:
  • RAL quality mark RAL-GZ 388
  • To EN 13501, fire rating class A1, non-combustible
  • RAL quality mark RAL-GZ 388
  • Non-hazardous to health thanks to being highly biosoluble in accordance with the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances and Note Q of the European Directive (EC) No. 1272/2008
  • Faced with glass fibre fabric as protection against erosion from airflow velocities of up to 20 m/s
  • Inert to fungal and bacterial growth

  • With flanges on both ends
  • Both ends suitable for the connection of ducts.

Technical data
  • Nominal sizes: 125 – 315
  • Volume flow rate range: 27 – 872 l/s or 95 – 3142 m³/h
  • Minimum differential pressure: up to 109 Pa (without secondary silencer)
  • Maximum differential pressure: 1000 Pa
  • Closed blade air leakage to EN 1751, class 4. Casing air leakage to EN 1751, class C.

    Equivalence criteria
    • Declaration of hygiene conformity in accordance with VDI 6022, Sheet 1 (01/2018), ÖNORM H 6020 (02/2007) and ÖNORM H 6021 (09/2003)
    • Setting the volume flow rates without adjustment device via qvmin and qvmax potentiometer
    • Electrical connections with screw terminals, no additional terminal boxes required
    • Aerodynamic functional testing of each volume flow controller on test rigs at the factory, before a label is affixed to the controller
    • No inflow lengths required
    • Acoustic data measured to ÖNORM EN ISO 5135:1999
    • Maximum system deviation 5 % at qvmax, without inflow length

    Specification text for attachment
    Variable volume flow control with electronic Easy controller for applying a reference value and capturing an actual value to be integrated with the central BMS.

    • Supply voltage 24 V AC/DC
    • Signal voltages 0 – 10 V DC
    • Possible override controls with external switches using volt-free contacts: CLOSE, OPEN, qᵥmin and qᵥmax
    • Potentiometers with percentage scales to set the volume flow rates qᵥmin and qᵥmax
    • The actual value signal relates to the nominal volume flow rate such that commissioning and subsequent adjustment are simplified
    • Volume flow rate control range: approx. 10 – 100 % of the nominal volume flow rate
    • Clearly visible external indicator light for signalling the functions: Set, not set, and power failure
    • Electrical connections with screw terminals
    • Double terminals for looping the supply voltage, i.e. for the simple connection of voltage transmission to the next controller

    Sizing data
    • q_______________________ [m³/h]
    • Δpst _______________________[Pa]

    Air-regenerated noise
    • LPA _______________________[dB(A)]

    Case-radiated noise
    • LPA _______________________[dB(A)]

    Order code for volume flow control (with Easy attachment)

    TA-SilenzioD / 200 / Easy
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry required: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]

    125, 160, 200, 250, 315
    4 Attachments (control component)
    Easy Volume flow controller, dynamic, interface analogue, setting qvmin and qvmax with potentiometers

    Order example: TA–Silenzio/125/Easy
    Acoustic claddingNone
    Nominal size125
    Attachments (control component)Easy volume flow controller, dynamic, setting qvmin and qvmax with potentiometers

    Order code for volume flow control (with VARYCONTROL attachment)
    TA-SilenzioD / 200 / XD4 / V0 / 400 – 1200 [m³/h] / NO
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry required: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]
    125, 160, 200, 250, 315
    4 Attachments (control component)
    For example
    BC0 Compact controller
    XD4 Universal controller (VARYCONTROL)
    6 Operating mode
    Constant value (one setpoint value)
    V  Variable (setpoint value range)
    7 Signal voltage range
    For the actual and setpoint value signals
    0 0 – 10 V DC
    2 2 – 10 V DC
    8 Operating values for factory setting
    Volume flow rates [m³/h or l/s]
    qᵥconst. (with operating mode F)
    qᵥmin – qᵥmax (with operating mode V)
    9 Damper blade position
    Only with spring return actuators
    NO Power off to OPEN
    NC Power off to CLOSE

    Order example: TA–Silenzio/250/BC0/V0/500–1500 m³/h

    Acoustic claddingNone
    Nominal size250
    Attachments (control component)Compact controller
    Operating modeVariable
    Signal voltage range0 – 10 V DC
    Operating valuesqvmin = 500 m³/h
    qvmax = 1500 m³/h

    Order code for volume flow control (with TROX UNIVERSAL attachment)

    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]
    125, 160, 200, 250, 315
    4 Attachments (control component)
    TROX UNIVERSAL controller with
    TUN Actuator (150 s)
    TUNF Spring return actuator (150 s)
    TUS Fast-running actuator (3 s)
    TUSD Fast-running actuator (3 s) with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
    5 Equipment function

    Room control
    RE Extract air control (Room Exhaust)
    6 Volume flow rate setting
    M Master (RMF)
    S Slave
    F Constant flow rate controller
    7 Signal voltage range

    0 0 – 10 V DC
    2 2 – 10 V DC
    8 Expansion modules

    Option 1: Power supply
    No entry: 24 V AC/DC
    T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
    U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
    Option 2: Digital communication interface
    No entry: None
    B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
    M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
    I EM-IP: EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
    R EM-IP with real time clock
    Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
    No entry: None
    Z EM-AUTOZERO with solenoid valve
    9 Operating values for factory setting
    Volume flow rates [m³/h or l/s], pressure [Pa]
    Master (RMF):
    qvmin: Minimum volume flow rate (room value)
    qvmax: Maximum volume flow rate (room value)
    qvconst_sup: Constant supply air (room value)
    qvconst_ext: Constant extract air (room value)
    qvDiff: Supply air/extract air difference (room value)
    Constant value
    qvconst: Constant volume flow rate
    No entry required
    10 Damper blade position
    Only spring return actuators
    NO Power off to OPEN
    NC Power off to CLOSE
    Useful additions
    Room control panel
    BE-LCD 40-character display

    Order example: TA-Silenzio-D/315/TUN/RE/S/0/Z
    Acoustic claddingWith
    Nominal size315
    Attachments (control component)Controller TROX UNIVERSAL, static transducer, slow-running actuator
    Equipment functionExtract air control
    Volume flow rate settingSlave
    Signal voltage range0 – 10 V DC
    Expansion of attachmentsWith expansion module EM-AUTOZERO,
    Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction of measurement point
    Operating valuesNone (slave)

    Order code for differential pressure control (with VARYCONTROL attachment)
    TA-SilenzioD / 200 / XF4 / PRE / V0 / 30 – 60 [Pa] / NO
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry required: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]

    125, 160, 200, 250, 315
    4 Attachments (control component)
    For example
    XF0 Compact controller for duct pressure
    XF4 Universal controller for duct pressure (VARYCONTROL)
    5 Equipment function/Installation location
    PDE Duct pressure control, extract air
    PRE Room pressure control extract air
    6 Operating mode
    Constant value (one setpoint value)
    V  Variable setpoint value range)
    7 Signal voltage range

    For the actual and setpoint value signals
    0 0 – 10 V DC
    2 2 – 10 V DC
    8 Operating values for factory setting
    With duct pressure control, the differential pressure [Pa] is always an absolute value
    ∆pconst (with operating mode F)
    ∆pmin – ∆pmax (with operating mode V)
    9 Damper blade position
    Only with spring return actuators
    NO Power off to OPEN
    NC Power off to CLOSE

    Order example: TA-Silenzio/250/PDE/XF4/F2/500 Pa/NO
    Acoustic claddingNone
    Nominal size250
    Attachments (control component)VARYCONTROL Universal controller duct pressure,
    interface analogue with safe position and display
    Equipment functionDuct pressure control, extract air
    Operating modeConstant value
    Signal voltage range2 – 10 V
    Operating value∆pconst = 500 Pa
    Damper blade positionPower off to OPEN (NO)

    Order code for differential pressure control (with TROX UNIVERSAL attachment)
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]
    125, 160, 200, 250, 315
    4 Attachments (control component)
    TROX UNIVERSAL controller with
    TUN Actuator (150 s)
    TUNF Spring return actuator (150 s)
    TUS Fast-running actuator (3 s)
    TUSD Fast-running actuator (3 s) with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
    5 Equipment function
    Differential pressure control
    PRE Room pressure control, extract air
    PDE Duct pressure control, extract air
    6 Differential pressure setting

    MFP Master, constant pressure control
    MVP Master, variable pressure control
    SFP Slave, constant pressure control
    SVP Slave, variable pressure control
    7 Signal voltage range
    0 0 – 10 V DC
    2 2 – 10 V DC
    8 Expansion modules
    Option 1: Power supply
    No entry: 24 V AC/DC
    T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
    U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
    Option 2: Digital communication interface
    No entry: None
    B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
    M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
    I EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
    R EM-IP with real time clock
    Option 3: Volume flow rate measurement
    No entry: None
    V  EM-V Volume flow rate measurement for differential pressure control
    Option 4: Automatic zero point correction
    No entry: None
    Z EM-AUTOZERO solenoid valve (only with V)
    9 Operating values for factory setting
    Volume flow rate [m³/h or l/s], pressure [Pa]
    Slave SVP
    Δpmin: Minimum differential pressure
    Δpmax: Maximum differential pressure
    Δpconst: Constant differential pressure
    Master MFP and MVP – same as slave, but additionally:
    qvmin: Minimum volume flow rate (room value)
    qvmax: Maximum volume flow rate (room value)
    qvconst_sup: Constant supply air (room value)
    qvconst_ext: Constant extract air (room value)
    qvDiff: Supply air/extract air difference (room value)
    10 Damper blade position
    Only spring return actuators
    NO Power off to OPEN
    NC Power off to CLOSE
    Useful additions
    Room control panel
    BE-LCD 40-character display
    Order differential pressure transducer for room or duct pressure control separately e.g.
    PT-699 For room pressure control
    PT-699-DUCT For duct pressure control, including tube and pressure tap 

    Order example: TA-Silenzio-D/315/TUS/PRE/MVP/2/V/10 Pa/30 Pa/750 m³/h/2500 m³/h/0/0/100 m³/h
    Acoustic claddingWith
    Nominal size315
    Attachments (control component)Controller TROX UNIVERSAL, static transducer, fast-running actuator
    Equipment functionRoom pressure control extract air
    Differential pressure settingMaster, variable pressure control
    Signal voltage range2 – 10 V DC
    Expansion of attachmentsVolume flow rate measurement
    Operating valuesPressure range: Δpmin -Δpmax: 10 – 30 PaVolume flow rate range qvmin - qvmax: 750 – 2500 m³/h (room values)
    Constant supply/extract air qvconst_CLOSED, qvconst_Ex:  0 m³/h (room values)
    Supply air/extract air difference: qvDiff: 100 m³/h (room value)

    Order code for room control (with EASYLAB attachment)
    | | | | | | | | |
    1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]

    4 Attachments (control component)
    ELAB EASYLAB controller TCU3
    5 Actuators
    S Fast-running actuator (3 s)
    SD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
    6 Equipment function
    Room control
    RE Extract air control (Room Exhaust)
    PC Differential pressure control (Pressure Control)
    8 Expansion modules
    Option 1: Power supply
    No entry: 24 V AC/DC
    T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
    U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
    Option 2: Digital communication interface
    No entry: None
    B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
    M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
    I EM-IP: EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
    R EM-IP with real time clock
    Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
    No entry: None
    Z EM-AUTOZERO Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction
    9 Additional functions
    Without room management function
    LAB Extract air led system (laboratories)
    CLR Supply air led system (clean rooms)
    With room management function 
    LAB-RMF Extract air led system
    CLR-RMF Supply air led system
    10 Operating values for factory setting
    (only required when room management function is active)
    Volume flow rate [m³/h] or [l/s]
    Total extract air/supply air of room:
    qv1: Standard mode
    qv2: Reduced operation
    qv3: Increased operation
    qv4: Constant supply air
    qv5: Constant extract air
    qv6: Supply air/extract air difference
    ΔpSet: Setpoint pressure (only with differential pressure control)
    Useful additions
    Room control panel (only for units with RMF)
    BE-LCD 40-character display
    The differential pressure transducer required for room pressure control (equipment function) has to be ordered separately, e.g.
    PT-699 Measuring range ±50 Pa or ±100 Pa
    PT-GB604 Measuring range ±100 Pa

    Order example: TA-Silenzio/160/ELAB/SD/RE/IZ/LAB
    Acoustic claddingNone
    Nominal size160
    Attachments (control component)EASYLAB controller TCU3
    ActuatorFast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
    Equipment functionExtract air control
    Expansion of attachmentsWith expansion module Type EM-IPBACnet/Modbus-IP interface, web server
    with expansion module EM-AUTOZERO,Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction of measurement point
    Additional functionExtract air led system for laboratories
    Room management function has been deactivated
    Operating valuesNot required

    Order code for single operation (with EASYLAB attachment)
    | | | | | | | | |
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
    1 Type
    TA-Silenzio VAV terminal unit, extract air
    2 Acoustic cladding
    No entry: None
    D With acoustic cladding
    3 Nominal size [mm]

    4 Attachments (control component)

    ELAB EASYLAB controller TCU3
    5 Actuators
    S Fast-running actuator (3 s)
    SD Fast-running actuator (3 s), with digital communication interface (TROX HPD)
    6 Equipment function
    Single operation
    EC Extract air controller
    7 External volume flow rate setting
    E0 Voltage signal 0 – 10 V DC
    E2 Voltage signal 2 – 10 V DC
    2P Switch contacts (provided by others) for 2 switching steps
    3P Switch contacts (provided by others) for 3 switching steps
    F Volume flow rate constant value, without signalling
    8 Expansion modules
    Option 1: Power supply
    No entry: 24 V AC/DC
    T EM-TRF for 230 V AC
    U EM-TRF-USV for 230 V AC, provides uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
    Option 2: Digital communication interface
    No entry: None
    B EM-BAC-MOD-01 for BACnet MS/TP
    M EM-BAC-MOD-01 for Modbus RTU
    I EM-IP: EM-IP for BACnet/IP, Modbus/IP and web server
    R EM-IP with real time clock
    Option 3: Automatic zero point correction
    No entry: None
    Z EM-AUTOZERO Solenoid valve for automatic zero point correction
    10 Operating values for factory setting
    Volume flow rate [m³/h] or [l/s]
    Depending on external volume flow rate setting
    E0, E2: qvmin/qvmax
    2P: qv1/qv2
    3P: qv1/qv2/qv3
    F: qv1

    Order example: TA–Silenzio/200/ELAB/S/EC/E0/300-1000
    Acoustic claddingNone
    Nominal size200
    Attachments (control component)EASYLAB controller TCU3
    ActuatorFast-running actuator (3 s)
    Equipment functionExtract air controller
    External volume flow rate settingVoltage signal 0 – 10 V DC
    Operating valuesqvmin = 300 m³/hqvmax = 1000 m³/h



    AV terminal unit TVJ

    • VAV terminal unit for variable extract air volume flow control

    AV terminal unit, variant TVJ-D

    • VAV terminal unit with acoustic cladding for the control of variable extract air volume flows
    • For rooms where the case-radiated noise of the unit is not sufficiently reduced by a false ceiling
    • The ducts for the room under consideration must have adequate acoustic insulation (to be provided by others) on the fan end
    • Acoustic cladding cannot be retrofitted


    Standard construction

    Order code detailPartMaterial
    -CasingGalvanised sheet steel
    -Effective pressure sensorAluminium
    -Damper bladeAluminium
    -Damper blade sealPolyethylene, PE
    -Shaft and linkageGalvanised steel
    -Plain bearingsPlastic 
    -GearsPlastic, ABS

    Order code detailPartMaterial
    DAcoustic cladding casingGalvanised sheet steel
    DInsulation of structure-borne noisePolyethylene, PE
    DLiningMineral wool according to EN 13501, fire rating Class A1, non combustible


    informace o produktu



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